SquadSpace – a gaming community

Helping a fledgling gaming community

Recently we have been working with a Crawley based gaming startup to launch their brand and build awareness of their coming events.

Brand and Imaging

Although the client had a strong view of their target audience and arrived with a raft of photographs to represent their brand there was a lot of work to do.

Creating a brand voice that targetted their chosen customer base across all social channels, whilst maintaining professionalism took some time.

The resulting brand incorporates their choice of a bright colour pallette, is iconic but is simple enough to be used across all media.

We helped them source more professional photography for their key themes and we delivered materials to assist in their launch event (planned for 2019).

Website design

The clients initial focus was to publicise their community across social media so we delivered a website that allows people to instantly identify with the brand but keeps clutter to a miniumum.

At the clients request we included:

Livechat integration so they can speak directly with their potentyial customers

Social Media linksto keep a consistent message on all platforms, and reduce their time spent of updates

Websiter traffic reports so they can easily see the results of marketing campaigns or special events.

SquadSpace website design

They are up and running with a professional website that allows them to build their audience through a single platform, directly engage with visitors and easily follow up on leads.

Advanced Web

We are currently working on the next phase of the site, which will build in further community elements and integrate to their business systems. Some of the key components:

  • Payment Gateway
  • Availability & Booking System
  • Members area / Discussion Forum
  • Online merch store

We continue to work with SquadSpace on all of their digital projects including the design of physical signage and a grant arrangements with local business support services.

Case Study – Language Tutor

Having studied TEFL and with some success with informally tutoring local students we were approached by someone who wanted to setup a business that would allow her to focus on helping a small number of foreign students boost their confidence with the English language. She came to us as she wanted to provide a more professionally route for potential students, whilst remaining quite light hearted.

The only existing property were accounts on Facebook & twitter, featuring a mix of images and text based content, that were seeing low levels of interest with zero new customers gained.

After an initial consultation we agree that she would benefit from a quality company identity, backed by a dedicated website which featured its own contact mechanism. Put together these would help her achieve her goals.

Logo design

Our client wanted something simple, yet traditional and after a few different design concepts were discussed we settled on a simple teapot graphic and bold text to compliment the academic nature of her business.

Sharing this alone via social media resulted in contact from a handful of potential clients.

Strengthened company brand

During the design phase we were able to rapidly produce some additional graphics that could be used to tie any future marketing materials into her company image. These were used for:

  • Social Media
  • Targetted Facebook Ads
  • Flyers in local coffee shops & libraries


Following the same design ethos from the logo design work we developed a website that featured all of the key information about her business, providing a way from students to review their experience and even share their success stories. We ensured that all of this linked back to existing social media accounts and provided a contact route that allowed our client to pick up with individuals when it was convenient for her.

Easily maintained contact mechanism

With some tweaking we ensured that all of the content was optimised for search engines to increase the chances that people would find her easily.

Driven by the initial success of the website we spent some additional time helping her write some articles for a small blog style section to give some more ‘food for thought’.


This entire process took less than 6 weeks and turned her single customer business into a thriving hub for those who want to gain confidence in their English language skills.  With minimal effort in providing new content and keeping things bubbling on social media, our client gained an additional 5 clients over the preceding 3 months and continues to work help students across Sussex.

Mobile Mechanic

A talented mechanic came to us because he wanted to supplement his main income by providing mobile vehicle servicing. After discussing his needs we agree that the main value would be in getting some customers from local search terms and replacing his current personal email address (@btopenworld.com) with a more professional contact method.

We were lucky to secure a domain name with both his town and ‘mechanic’, which was incredibly lucky. We then set him up a simple website and got to work designing him a professional site that described his experience, service offering and some examples of work that he had recently undertaken. Along the way we provided

  • Mailing list builder allow people to sign up for regular newsletters or special offers
  • Review & Recommendation section
  • Special Offers & Discounts
  • Other motoring advice

We hooked him up with an online emailing platform so he can rapidly produce newsletters or other promotional emails to send out for free.

In support of this we worked with him to devise some ‘summer special’ promotions and vouchers that people could obtain through signing up to his contact list. These were a tremendous hit and saw him develop a large list of email contacts quickly.


As the domain name and content of the website were search optimised (SEO) for the local area he quickly reached the first page on google for relatable searches in the area. This resulted in a series of enquiries within a month of launch.

We are now helping to design more formal invoice and booking forms to streamline the process for him, as his side business is now bringing in a steady income.

Case Study – Photography

A keen hobbyist photographer approached us for some help in establishing his own side business. He had experience working as a second/help photographer but wants to try and grow his own business.

Adding to this, he has had some interest in some of his classic car photographs and wants to be able to sell digital prints & physical products via his website.


This client has a strong vision of what they wanted from their logo, and being an artistic business, it needed to demonstrate their style. We were able to use some of the client’s large stock of photographs and produced a logo with a more ornate feel, which met the focus of his business well.


Although there is a dedicated .photography domain area we wanted to try and keep his site local to the UK. We were unable to secure his initial business domain but with a bit of ingenuity we used a com.uk, enabling him to maintain his UK identity and business desire.

Content was key with this website so we produced his website around a gallery of his most recent photographs. Sectioned by event type and style we could provide specific pages for different advertising that he had planned. We even performed some quick market analysis to allow him to target specific events locally to maximise the yield of any advertising he chose to do.

As a more technical approach we provided the client with a complete suite of webmaster reports, which allow him to see how his business is performing against local competition and provides some excellent insights into audience targeted, use of key phrases and the type of content that brings people to his site.

Having current content is key in this digital age and these reports gave him a good way to ensure any updates would aid his business.

Pricing strategy

Having the right pricing strategy early on is critical in the growth of any business. On the back of the initial competitor analysis we helped him create a suite of photography packages to suit his target market, which make him competitive in today’s market, but don’t undervalue his huge talent.

Online retail

To answer his need to be able to sell some of his photographs separately from his main photography services we integrated his main gallery with online fulfilment service for physical products. This allows people to purchase his photographs as prints, cups and even clothing items, with him receiving a percentage of the profits without the effort or risks associated of managing orders.


The initial results were staggering, as our client was able to convert people from his existing social networks to fully qualified customers with ease using his new company brand. The security offered by a recognised domain helped secure bookings well into the following year.

With a year under his belt, he has now gone full time with his photography business and (last time we checked) was fully booked for the next year. He didn’t need google advertising in the end, but did pay for some advertising on facebook.

When we last spoke the customer is selling 5-10 prints a month, with no additional effort, helping to boost to his income.

We are currently working on the digital strategy to broaden his customer base into London.