Case Study – Language Tutor

Having studied TEFL and with some success with informally tutoring local students we were approached by someone who wanted to setup a business that would allow her to focus on helping a small number of foreign students boost their confidence with the English language. She came to us as she wanted to provide a more professionally route for potential students, whilst remaining quite light hearted.

The only existing property were accounts on Facebook & twitter, featuring a mix of images and text based content, that were seeing low levels of interest with zero new customers gained.

After an initial consultation we agree that she would benefit from a quality company identity, backed by a dedicated website which featured its own contact mechanism. Put together these would help her achieve her goals.

Logo design

Our client wanted something simple, yet traditional and after a few different design concepts were discussed we settled on a simple teapot graphic and bold text to compliment the academic nature of her business.

Sharing this alone via social media resulted in contact from a handful of potential clients.

Strengthened company brand

During the design phase we were able to rapidly produce some additional graphics that could be used to tie any future marketing materials into her company image. These were used for:

  • Social Media
  • Targetted Facebook Ads
  • Flyers in local coffee shops & libraries


Following the same design ethos from the logo design work we developed a website that featured all of the key information about her business, providing a way from students to review their experience and even share their success stories. We ensured that all of this linked back to existing social media accounts and provided a contact route that allowed our client to pick up with individuals when it was convenient for her.

Easily maintained contact mechanism

With some tweaking we ensured that all of the content was optimised for search engines to increase the chances that people would find her easily.

Driven by the initial success of the website we spent some additional time helping her write some articles for a small blog style section to give some more ‘food for thought’.


This entire process took less than 6 weeks and turned her single customer business into a thriving hub for those who want to gain confidence in their English language skills.  With minimal effort in providing new content and keeping things bubbling on social media, our client gained an additional 5 clients over the preceding 3 months and continues to work help students across Sussex.

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